Recognize the Signs of a Heart Attack

Do you know what to do if a family member stops breathing and becomes unresponsive? 

Heart attacks occur when the blood supply is unexpectedly cut off. The heart can’t obtain oxygen if the blood does not circulate. When left untreated, the heart muscle starts to deteriorate. However, if you receive prompt care, you might be able to stop or reduce heart muscle damage. Because of this, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs of heart attack you or someone else is experiencing. Even if you are unsure whether it is a heart attack, you should still call emergency services.

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Shockingly, less than half of Canadians say they have the skills to help in this life-threatening emergency. It’s crucial to understand that the signs of heart attack know what to do, if the emergency services are not available near you. It can vary from person to person, particularly in people of different sexes. Even individuals who have had a heart attack before may experience different symptoms during a subsequent episode.

While some symptoms may fall under “subtle signs,” others are more general. Mild, unfocused chest discomfort that comes and goes, gastric discomfort, extreme fatigue, and flu-like symptoms are all considered subtle signs. 

During a heart attack, many elderly individuals, people with diabetes, and females tend to experience these subtle signs, which are harder to recognize than the most common signs.

General heart attack symptoms may include chest pain that persists despite resting, discomfort or pain that spreads to one or both arms, abnormal breathing, cold and sweaty skin, and feelings of anxiety or impending doom. If you’re unsure whether the symptoms are serious enough to require emergency services, don’t hesitate to seek help.

Remember, denial is a common reaction in a cardiac arrest. Remember, it’s essential to act quickly as the longer the heart muscle is lacking oxygen, the more damage it will cause to the heart. If you or someone you know is experiencing chest pain, difficulty breathing, or any other heart attack symptoms, seek medical attention right away. Additionally, angina attack symptoms are similar to heart attacks, but the pain is usually triggered by physical activity or stress and can be relieved by medication.

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